
基于其技术平台, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is making efforts to fuse together its various internal and external stakeholders and companies while accelerating innovation to support the basis of LIFE and continue to create peace of mind for the future in a bid to realize a sustainable society.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has identified Innovation for the Earth as the vision statement of its Long-term Vision and therefore is placing considerable emphasis on innovation as an important driver in its efforts to realize this vision. Amid the mountain of extremely difficult and pressing social issues including climate change, innovation as a conduit to create new means for solving a variety of issues is becoming increasingly important.
基于十大赌博娱乐平台的长期愿景, 2030年愿景, we also identified enhancement areas to achieve further growth in existing businesses and innovation areas to create new business platforms in each business domain under our current Medium-term Management Plan. 为了配合这一努力,十大赌博娱乐平台采取措施审查十大赌博娱乐平台的技术平台. 除了, we launched a Group-wide innovation roundtable initiative as a forum through which to regularly consider business opportunities and the combination of technologies across business domains. 以这种方式, we are working to strengthen our innovation capabilities as a comprehensive Group-wide strength. 在下一个中期管理计划中, 十大赌博娱乐平台将进一步加强和加速整个集团的创新. 同时, we will enhance our ability to solve social issues by focusing on external collaboration and open innovation to quickly create new value.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group identified the number of new products and projects as an enhancement area innovation KPI under the current Medium-term Management Plan. 2022财年, we encountered difficulties in the development of products in certain business domains. Accordingly, results declined slightly compared with the previous fiscal year. 除了 to once again strengthening efforts to create new products and projects, we will accelerate the pace of innovation in a bid to realize our Long-term Vision by setting an innovation KPI for innovation areas under the next Medium-term Management Plan.



SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group recognizes that the source of innovation lies in its core technologies. 在这样的背景下, we define the technologies that are particularly competitive and those that should be strengthened as the Group’s Technological Platforms (TPFs). 同时不断努力加强TPFs, reviews are undertaken with the introduction of each medium-term management plan. Based on the aforementioned, 26 TPFs have been identified for the next Medium-term Management Plan. 除了, we have a system in place for appointing leaders to drive the technical enhancement of each TPF as Specialty positions (S-positions). S职位由S1至S4四个级别组成. 在2022财年,38名员工被任命为集团范围内的S职位. S positions are responsible for driving the continuous technical enhancement of each TPF and training the next technology leaders.

  • 05-45

创新计划的状态由R定期监测&D委员会. 正在与高层管理人员讨论进一步加强创新.

  • 10-18


  • 确定整个集团的R&(四)下一代创业的基本政策
  • 确定整个集团的R&关于下一代商业创造的主题和行动计划


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group recognizes that collaboration among internal departments and external parties is important in promoting innovation. The Group is actively engaged in internal and external technological collaboration, 十大赌博娱乐平台称之为聚变.
就内部聚变而言,SEKISUI CHEMICAL R&D中心 collaborates with all related internal departments to promote fusion with each divisional company from the three core technology, 规划, 发展融合视角.
转向核心技术融合, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has held several Group-wide seminars on information science, 一项集成到R中的基本技术&D中心. 除了, we have worked to raise the level of data science by supporting divisional company development themes that employ materials informatics.
从规划融合的角度来看, successful steps have been taken to create new development themes through collaboration between the 规划 department of divisional companies and 规划 staff at the R&D中心. 在这里,十大赌博娱乐平台开始看到增强的聚变效应出现.
关于发展, we are promoting fusion through a mechanism in which the Corporate Headquarters supports development themes that cross divisional company boundaries.
十大赌博娱乐平台还积极开展开放式创新, 什么是技术与外部各方的融合. In recent years, we have been working with startup companies that possess distinctive technologies. By establishing a dedicated department and participating in programs that connect us to many startup companies, 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是进一步加强和加快开放式创新.
In actively pursuing this fusion along important development theme lines with external parties, the Group’s perovskite solar cell currently under development was selected as a national development project in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and Ritsumeikan University. Plans are in place to further accelerate development toward practical application.
十大赌博娱乐平台还与安赛乐米塔尔公司建立了合作伙伴关系.A., one of the world’s largest steel companies, to pursue a carbon recycling technology project. We plan to use our innovative technologies to reduce CO2 emissions during steelmaking.

  • 09-01

R&D支出/ R&D支出与收入之比