

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s system of management principles comprises the Group’s Corporate Philosophy, which outlines the approach and policies that underpin corporate activities; the 集团愿景, which expresses the form to which we aspire under our Corporate Philosophy over the medium to long term; and Management Strategies to realize the 集团愿景.

  • 02-12


Service: At SEKISUI, we serve our stakeholders by creating social, 环境, and economic* 通过负责任的商业实践实现价值.
速度:在SEKISUI, 十大赌博娱乐平台积极接受新挑战,加速创新, 适应变化, 走在时代的前面.
优势:在SEKISUI,十大赌博娱乐平台为社会做贡献* 通过十大赌博娱乐平台卓越的技术和质量帮助解决社会问题.

  • 5社会, 环境, 经济利益相关者:顾客, 股东, 员工, 业务合作伙伴, 当地社区, 与环境.


通过突出技术和质量, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will contribute to improving the lives of the people of the world and the Earth’s environment, by continuing to open up new frontiers in residential and social infrastructure creation, 化学溶液.

See the following website for details of such elements as the Corporate Philosophy and 集团愿景 within Our Principles.


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的企业理念和集团愿景为指导, the 长远愿景,2030年愿景, 是SEKISUI化工集团管理战略的桥梁. 《十大赌博娱乐平台》, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台已确定其愿景声明, which incorporates the Group’s resolute will to drive continuous innovation to support the basis of LIFE and to create peace of mind for the future in order to realize a sustainable society.
With business growth and reform and creating new business centered on ESG management at the center of its strategy, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group aims to contribute more than ever before to resolving social issues by driving innovation through two distinct means: expanding existing businesses* through product and business reform and creating new businesses through the development and acquisition of new business bases. 利用这个循环, we envisage doubling our sales volume by 2030 (to sales of ¥2 trillion and an operating income ratio of 10% or higher).

  • 四个业务领域:住宅(住房), 高级生命线(社会基建), 创新交通(电动/交通), 生命科学(健康与医学).
  • 03-01




通过业务增长和改革,创建以ESG管理为中心的新业务, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group aims to realize both a sustainable society and sustainable growth of the Group itself by strengthening three driving forces: the ability to contribute to resolving social issues; the ability to create profit; and the Group’s management ability to sustain business.

  • 02-10



SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group adopted ROIC as an indicator of efficiency and is targeting an improvement over the medium to long term. 为此目的, we will improve our profit margin by such measures as expanding marginal profit and improving productivity and increase invested capital turnover through various efforts including effective capital investment, 植物的最佳利用, 库存调整.

Improve the Group’s corporate value by increasing capital efficiency and lowering the cost of capital in a broad sense over the long term.

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group defines the SEKISUI Sustainable Spread (ROIC spread) as the difference between ROIC and long-term capital cost. 通过扩大SEKISUI可持续传播,集团正在增加其企业价值.

Control the cost of capital in a broad sense and improve the Group’s management ability to sustain business by controlling major incidents and investing in the management base

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will increase investments in such areas as governance (internal controls on safety, 质量, 会计, 法律/道德事宜, 信息管理和风险管理), 数字转换(DX), 环境 and 人力资本 to mitigate risks that could lead to major incidents by establishing an ESG investment limit. We will also work to control medium- to long-term capital costs and improve our management ability to sustain business.

  • 02-11


根据目前的中期管理计划, 开2022, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台一直在努力推动业务增长和改革, 为长期增长做好准备, and strengthen the ESG management base guided by the basic strategy of promoting ESG management. 通过这些努力,公司实现了创纪录的净销售额1242元.2022财年预算为50亿日元,而目标为1220日元.00亿年. 营业收入为91元.70亿日元,而目标是110日元.1000亿,ROIC降到70.6%,而目标是8%.6% owing to the fluctuation in demand and high raw material prices attributable to the prolonged impact of COVID-19, we are making steady progress in our efforts to promote the three Drives despite the pandemic.


推进结构性改革, 加快向高附加值产品转变, 通过调整产品价格来解决原材料成本飙升的问题


推进城镇和社区发展, Bio-Refinery (BR), 钙钛矿太阳能电池, 以及其他新的商业主题, 拓展生命科学业务


为五个重要事项(治理(内部控制))中的每一个设置kpi, 环境, 数字转换(DX), 人力资本, 并融合(包容)和产品,以提高可持续性, and invest management resources to develop and implement Group-wide and divisional company initiatives.

  • 02-13

下一个中期管理计划驱动2.0- 2030年第二阶段

Three initiatives to enhance corporate value form the backbone of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s basic strategy under its Medium-term Management Plan Drive 2.0 - 2030年第二阶段, 定位为实现长期愿景的第二阶段, 2030年愿景.
根据计划, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将进行战略创新, 努力加强现有业务, 并加强其ESG管理基础,以实现可持续增长, while at the same time upgrading and expanding efforts to create and acquire new businesses.
制定2025财年目标, 计划的最后一年, 包括净销售额1元,4100亿年, 营业收入1150亿日元, ROIC为8.5%.

战略创新(Strategic Innovation)

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is undertaking detailed preparations to create new business domains. 具体来说, we are working to generate innovations in innovation areas and to promote the commercialization of seven major themes as a part of its Strategic Area Map, 作为实现十大赌博娱乐平台长期愿景的指南针.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is promoting efforts to steadily grow existing business and fine tune its portfolio. 特别是, 十大赌博娱乐平台正专注于扩大增强领域, 通过项目组合管理实现资源的均衡分配, 扩大增长动力,推进结构性改革.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is engaging in measures to strengthen ESG management in a bid to achieve sustainable growth while expanding and upgrading efforts to create and acquire new businesses.
Setting an expense budget of ¥55 billion (capital expenditure + expenses) for strengthening ESG measures under the next Medium-term Management Plan, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is actively engaging in medium- to long-term measures including activities to mitigate risks that lead to major incidents, 在DX等领域的投资, 人力资本, 还有环境.

  • 关于下一个中期管理计划驱动2的材料见以下.0.